Transformation & Embodiment

Kano is a professional musician, a transformational coach, a shamanic practitioner and an embodiment facilitator. He has many musical endeavors under his belt and began a massive life transition through addiction recovery.

Kano has studied extensively in the Amazon jungles of Peru with Indigenous healers, learning and teaching the ancient ways of sacred ceremonial work, as well as developing healing music inspired by different tribes and traditions. He has passion not only for his own personal growth but also helping others achieve their true potential. Guiding those who are ready to a deeper connection with their authentic selves.

Our next retreat is June 21-24

Sacred Ceremony, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Join us for an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and healing at our upcoming sacred ceremony from June 21st onwards! Over four magical days of connection, immersing yourself in the transformative guidance of Kano Mai. Experience the joy of community, the power of ancient rituals, and the rejuvenation of mind and spirit. This event promises not only fun-filled moments but also profound healing. Embrace the summer solstice with us and embark on a journey towards wholeness.

"Choosing to walk the healing path is hard to do, maybe the hardest to do. For me, it started after bottoming out with drugs and alcohol addiction. Through years of rehab in western institutions and with the help of ancient traditions, I healed my pain and found my life mission to help others heal theirs. Sometimes the road can get very dark, I’ve learned that drawing on our friends, teachers and spirit allies is how we come through it and find the light. My mission is to serve humanity’s spiritual evolution through coaching, embodiment, ceremony and music.”

Kano - Connection

Mai -Earth



  • Before ceremony, I help you go deep within to give voice to a meaningful intention aligned with what you need in this moment.

    Working together, we bring awareness to where you are now, and where you desire growth and change. Approaching the medicine in truth, with knowing and clarity, can help crystalize and deepen the experience of your ceremony.

  • Integration is all too often not focused on, however it is truly the most important part of our personal work. We need to learn and practice how we can bring the insights, guidance and new energy into our lives. Without integration, any ceremonial work we have done could be pointless.

  • I want to meet you where you at and take you beyond where you can imagine you could go.

    You are designed to be the fullest expression of your imagination. You can live your dream life, it just takes some work to get there.